Wednesday 31 March 2010

Audience Feedback On Our Sequence.

stephaniemareen (1 day ago) Reply
Really like the contrast between summer and winter. Choice of actress was good for a ghost. Nice style of titles.

hurtwoodhousemedia (1 day ago)
the two different seasons are so cool!! like the music. titles seem not very well timed sometimes...

EllieMcGregor (1 day ago)
Think its really clever and I really like the two worlds and how they interchange with the clever cuts. Think a bit more could've been done with the titles though !

MillieSherring123 (1 day ago)
Titles are slightly dodgy. But apart from that I think its very good. Good effort !

Generally the comments we have recieved have been favourable. I believe this sequence has reached our target audience and our target audience have pointed out any imperfections they saw in our sequence. Most of the comments have stated that they thought our sequence's titles were slightly out of sync and a bit "sluggish" with the action.

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