Sunday 28 March 2010

Task 2

How does your product represent particular social groups?

In our thriller sequence there are not many social groups represented as we wanted to keep actors down to a minimum so the audience could concentrate on the main action of the ghostly girl. Although, there are 3 actors in our sequence who all represent different groups.

The middle aged men group are represented in the form of Ted Jackson. This actor may bring more people to the cinema as they will see themselves being represented through this character. He is also quite stereotypical for a man of his age, when he picks the phone and it is not working he slams it down, showing he has a short temper and attention span, similar to many people of this age. Ted Jackson could also be a figure for middle aged women to look at.
The second group represented is the teenagers. Tatjana is the girl who is typing on the computer which breaks, she is represented positively as she is working hard, unlike many stereotypical views of
This is a very stereotypical view of teenagers, and is universally accepted. We wanted to subvert this stereotype and have our teenager working studiously. The teenage working is quite obviously intended to be of a middle-class background and quite wealthy as she goes to a boarding school.
The third and final social group represented is the ghost, Sarah. She is a very key social group as she is essentially our "star", this is because she is attractive, and wearing a very short skirt. This will mean boys will want to watch her. She also has a lot of natural beauty. You cannot really tell her social class and status, I think this is a good thing as it makes her more ambiguous.

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