Thursday 25 March 2010

What Kind Of Institution Would Produce My Film?

To distribute our film I think we need an institution that picks up on "under the radar" films, that would maybe be more interested in a horror film than for example a comedy.
So for this reason I believe either Fox Searchlight Films or Platinum Dunes may be interested in our film as the both specialise in picking up undiscovered films.
Fox Searchlight is a division of 20th Century Fox, established 1994. It specialises in independent, British, dramedy and horror. Fox Searchlight has produced some very well known films, such as; Slumdog Millionaire, The Full Monty, Juno and Little Miss Sunshine. Slumdog Millionaire won the Academy Award for Best Picture aswell as a further 7 acedemy awards. Juno, Little Miss Sunshine, Sideways and The Full Monty have also recieved nominations for the Best Picture.
Platinum Dunes Pictures, formed 2001 are a less well known institution although have produced several well known horror films. This is the genre they specialise in and have produced some of the genres most notrious films. It has produced, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, The Amityville Horror,The Hitcher, The Unborn, Friday the 13th, Horsemen and in 2010 it will be producing A Nightmare On Elm Street.

But for our thriller I believe Fox Searchlight would be most likely to produce our film as it is quite well known and having a notable name behind our film is a very good advertising resource.

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