Thursday 25 March 2010

Who Is My Target Audience?

Horror films are generally targeted at the younger generation as this younger generation get an adrenaline rush from watching the thrill and suspense a horror film contains.
I think our film would be targeted at a younger generation of male viewers. I think this because our main character, the ghost (Sarah) is quite an attractive female who is wearing quite a high skirt and this would be very appealing. I also think that our male characted, Ted Jackson would attract middle age men as Ted is around their age and they would see themselves being represented in this film. I also think he could be viewed as a lust symbol for middle age women who also want something to look at in this film.
Although I do also think that a female generation would also want to see this film as they can apperciate natural beauty and I think the storyline will be a more focal point for them rather than the attractive characters.
I think all of our audience would be Middle-class or Working-class as these are the classes that watch TV and film the most. Whereas a Higher-class audience would be a lot harder to target as they do not watch as much TV as the other classes.

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