Wednesday 24 March 2010

The Props Used On The Filiming Of Our Main Task...

The main props used on the shoot day were the costumes as these would add the most realism to our sequence. Our main character Sarah (the ghost) was dressed in a long, white floaty dress. This helped to re-enforce the ghostly feel of the character, she also had very back brushed hair in order to portray her ungroomed ghostliness, as well as very grey and black smoky eye make up. We also applied a lot of white blusher to her in order to make her seem even more ghostly through the pale skin and dark smoky eyes. The other costumes that we needed were Tatjana's clothes, although this was fairly easy as we just asked her to dress up for a normal day at school in order to obtain the most natural and realistic costuming as we could. The third and final actor in our sequence (Ted Jackson) was very easy to costume as he was dressed for work anyway. He wore a pair of grey/black trousers and a blue shirt with a pink tie

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