Due to our location being changed so often this presented us with an issue as we didn't know whether to create a plan for each location we were thinking of or just do one once we had our final location.
The lighting will be either low key or high key. It may also have lots of different effect such as a red tint or silhouetted. In our video we wanted a low key lighting style, we also wanted a red tint to it. This means we will need tints on the redheads we use. For our video in the studio part of the video we are planning to use 3 redheads in the form of a flood, spot and fill. We also plan to silhouette the other 2 members of the band. We also placed spotlights on the female members of the band to illuminate their faces as they are more aesthetically pleasing and look attractive on screen. However, we are also placing a flood on the male member of the group as he has a very interesting face which would look very good on screen.

Attached is the lighting plan for our studio element of our pop video.

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