Wednesday 6 October 2010


Editing is another detail to consider with a lot of depth. There are many different style of editing which can be used in a piece of video, such as fast cutting or slow intercutting. There are also different ways of stylising editing to either conform or subvert the visual.
Balletic editing is a form of editing which uses a lot of basic conventions to create a stylised technique. Balletic editing often subverts the visual, for example could be used in a thriller or action film to make a fight scene even more uncomfortable. This technique is used in the fight scene in The Wild Bunch when the action takes place following the form of a circle. Each shot is designed so that the action takes place where the last piece of action finished; going on and on creates a circular shape. This unsettles the audience, as they are not expecting the action to follow a shape, especially a soft shape like a circle or an oval. This may be necessary in our pop video as we may want to unsettle the audience when a big narrative event is happening. A pop video director may use this technique if they are trying to make the audience feel unsettled.

To edit our pop video we will be using the editing software Final Cut Pro which is the same software that we used to edit our thriller. I am fairly competent with this editing software.

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