Wednesday 3 November 2010

Call Sheet

A call sheet is a fundamental document issued to every member of cast and crew on a shoot. This document contains a huge amount of information about the shoot day. It includes the following:

  • PRODUCTION TEAM INFORMATION- This includes the mobile telephone numbers of each of the members of the group, this is in case they disappear during any time of the shoot day when they are need them. It also includes their full names and any other information about them that may be necessary for the shoot day.
  • CAST LIST- This contains all information about each member of the cast. Such as their full name and mobile numbers in case they dissapear on the day of shooting.
  • STUDIO SET PLAN- This is a simple photocopy of the set design plan as well as the brief that we showed to Dan. Aswell as any ammendments we may have made under Dan's instruction. In the industry this would be very precise and feature measurements of each of the materials used and dimensions of furniture or any decorations that would have been used. It will also include the lcoation on the set of each of the band members.
  • LIGHTING PLAN- This is also a photocopy of the studio design plan along with the brief about the specifics aswell such as any special things we would need such as dry ice machines. In our video we are also using gel's for the redheads so the brief will also have information about the gel's we are using and the number of gel that we need and in what order so if we need to get them again to do any follow-up shots we can easily.
  • PROPS AND WARDROBE- This is a very key area within the call sheet. It contains all the information about any props and wardrobe featured at any point during the video. It will explain each item of costuming in high detail aswell as who will be wearing it and where it is on loan from, whether it be the actor or the crew. It also features this information about each prop.
  • SCHEDULE- This is a detailed guide by timings of what will be happening when during the shoot day, it will allocate time for travelling, interior shots, exterior shots, lunch and clearing up. This will mean that every member of the cast and crew know what is happening when, it will also alert the crew if they are running behind schedule. Running late could cause potentially huge problems on the shoot day, for example, if we are doing exterior shots then we may want it light (naturally) so won't be able to shoot after 5:00pm.
  • STORYBOARD- This will include every page of the storyboard.
  • WORDS OF SONG (LYRICS)- This will include every single said word in the song. It may also be highlighted for the cast to make it easier for them to see at a glance. This is so that they can have the lyrics on the day and the cast will know where in the song they are at.
  • SHOOTING ORDER- A shooting order features 2 main things. It features a diagram of each of the camera locations that are used throughout the video. The second article included is the number of shots each camera position is used for. This is to reduce the camera movement and hopefully eliminate continuity errors occurring. This would be written like so: CAMERA PO.1: 1,7,9,15,17

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