Thursday 19 November 2009

What is a horror film ?


The audiences own identification with the FEARS or TERRORS of the narrative…

· Fear of the other/monster of the darkness
· Fear of the body being ripped/mutilated
· Our own personal boundaries being stretched and transgressed
· Emergence of terror at any level being enjoyed from a safe, vicarious distance


The implicit (hidden) or explicit (obvious) messages embedded within the narrative…

· Themes of punishment, rejection, and/or revulsion at subjects which deviate from “correct” thinking
· From simplistic or basic messages the virgin “good girl” surviving at the expense of her rebellious “slutty” friend. To the more nuanced or subtle fears of strangers/hitchhikers breaking our boundaries…

OR the condemnation of any deviant (i.e. non Christian) religions…

Our perception that the power of science can defeat the darkness at the expense of older beliefs in religion and superstition…

· In our modern understanding of fear we rationalise the supernatural and defeat it with psychology rather than Latin chants.
· Modern media creates “demons” by crusading against sections of society and labelling them.
· Are there really so many more paedophiles in today than in the past? Not necessarily we just hear about more about them as they are more documented now,
· How many escaped mental patients have actually stalked and killed innocent people? Probably not very many but the media has built this up to be a daily occurrence.


· Perhaps the most lucrative genre in the film industry, Horror draws in huge audiences justifying the control re-invention, re-making and franchising of very successful Horror product.
· We wonder whether there should be an “Indiana Jones 4” or a “Lethal Weapon” 5 but no questions raised over the legitimacy of producing Saw 6 or remaking “A Nightmare On Elm St.” after 9 previous incarnations.

We also had to give presentations to the class stating why our thriller film idea should be filmed. We had to include a USP (Unique Selling Point), a treatment,a character list.

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