Friday, 9 October 2009

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Yesterday afternoon we were set the task of filming our preliminary tasks. Our group included, me, Nurit, Katrina and Sultan, I was set the roll of being the director, and I was in charge of making sure everyone on the set knew what they were doing, for example I had to shout “standy,rolling, action and then cut” once the appropriate shot was taken. Sultan was set the roll of cameraman, and he was in charge of making sure the appropriate shot was caught against the storyboard. Katrina was then set the roll of continuity girl, who helped check that the continuity was in check. Finally Nurit was in charge of lighting and set, she ensured that the lighting was appropriate for the scene and the set was also appropriate. Although we had set roles we all tried to do parts of other people’s jobs. We filmed in the old edit suite, and although it is a fairly old edit suite actually worked quite well for our scene, this is because our scene was quite eerie and menacing and the blank background with large metal pipes help3ed to exaggerate this eerieness.

The lighting that Nurit chose also helped to exaggerate the eeriness on the set. Nurit chose a very hard and bright light which helped to show up everything on the set and helped to show up imperfections.

When setting the camera up we had to follow some procedures in order to ensure the camera was set up correctly, for example, we had to "bubble" the tripod-which basically means getting the spirit level in the tripod correctly set up. We had to follow this procedure every time we changed shot,so when we moved from long shot to over the shoulder shot we needed to carry out this procedure. We also had to make sure that the lighting equipment was not in the shot, we also had a problem in one shot when one of the crew was stood in front of the light which created a shaddow into the shot which made it look unprofessional, so we had to re-do this shot. We also had to make sure we didn't break the 180 degree rule in order to ensure the illusion of the film space was not affected.